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Richfield Township WI
Richfield Township WI is located in Adams County, Central Wisconsin which is primarily a farming area on the eastern side and more wetlands on the western side. Richfield has 3 creeks Bingham Creek, Little Roche-A-Cri Creek and Fordham Creek trout stream but no Lakes. State highway 21 is one of Central Wisconsin main arteries running east and west. Ship Rock located on Hwy 21 is a wayside and is open during the summer months. Preston Rock is a rock formation that falls on the Richfield / Preston Township line.
Richfield Township Wisconsin
Real Estate | Homes | Land | Condos | Multi-Family | Commercial Property
Photos & Pictures
Richfield Town Hall Address - 1602 County Road G Coloma, Wisconsin 54930
Phone Number - 715-228-3752
53934 / 54930
Richfield Township meeting information, board members contact info plus Garbage & Recycling locations.
Richfield Town Hall Map
Full Moon Photo for Richfield Township, WI.
Cities, Towns and Villages
- None
Lakes, Rivers, Creeks and Trout Streams
- Bingham Creek
- Fordham Creek - Trout Stream
- Little Roche-A-Cri Creek - Trout Stream
Public Land & Area Features
- Gift Land owned by WI DNR
- Ship Rock Wayside & Rock Formation
- Preston Rock
Developments and Subdivision in Adams County WI
- Deep Woods
- Greenwood Acres