Briggsville Wisconsin
Briggsville, WI 53920 is located in Township of Douglas in Marquette County. It is positioned in the southwest corner of the county right by Columbia County to the south and Adams County to the west. It's on state road 23 and is crossed by County Road A, X & AA. It's just west of I-39 /51 between Wisconsin Dells, Portage and Oxford. Briggsville is considered an unincorporated community and is home to many full time residents who work in the area. Because of Mason Lake it is a popular recreational area with a couple lakes, trout streams and public lands. Mason Lake is an 855 acre fishing lake and it’s one of Adams County’s larger fishing lakes, but it’s not really a skiable lake due to the stump fields and overall depth being only 7 ft. and a max depth of 9 ft. deep. Briggsville has an attractive travel time from the larger cities; Chicago, Milwaukee, Madison, Minneapolis to name a few.
Briggsville WI 53920
Because of the number of small lakes, creeks, and trout streams around Briggsville, there’s a simpler, quieter way of living in the waterfront communities. Watch smaller fishing boats cruising around no wake lakes at their own speed dropping a line here and there for that largemouth and plentiful panfish. And yet there’s another type of life style still kicking around in the area; small farms slowly getting moved along by the corporate farm fields. But yet you can still find some folks frying up their own bacon, eggs and home grown garden vegetables before they jump in the car and go to a job that helps pay the bills.
The area offers plenty of opportunities for the outdoor photographer. Whitetail Deer, Eastern Wild Turkey and Sandhill Cranes walk the fields in both the early morning & in the evenings right before sunset. Waterfowl like Canadian Geese, Wood Ducks, Mallard Ducks, Great Blue Heron, forage for food along the shores of area creeks, lakes and small ponds. In the warmer spring, summer and fall months you can find an array of song birds at the feeders and flower beds with squirrels, chipmunks, butterflies, snakes, frogs and other little creatures scampering around as well. And if you’re into hiking public land you can always find a wide variety of wild flowers. The scene always changing as they are replaced with new different ones every couple weeks from spring until fall; sometimes from the last snowfall through the first frost!
Photos, Pictures & Images
Briggsville 53920 Wisconsin Quick Facts
- Marquette County, Douglas Township
- General Size of Town – Is Unknown
- Area Lakes – Mason Lake, McCall Lake, Amey Pond, Mud Lake, Jordan Lake, Neenah Creek Trout Stream, Widow Green Creek, Buffalo Lake,
- Area Features: Some parts of the area have Wetlands with several creeks meandering through from the north west towards the southeast mostly ending up in the Fox River and the Wisconsin River. There are numerous public lands including Amey Pond Wildlife Refuge, French Creek Wildlife Area, Fox River National Wildlife Refuge plus many waterfront access points and boat launches.
- Area Terrain – This area has some rolling terrain with quite a bit of wetlands.
- Area Code - 608
- Mailing Zip Code - 53920
- Access
- State Highway 23
- County Road – AA, X & A
- School District – ? - Neenah Creek Elementary School
- Classified as an Unincorporated Community
- History – Founded in XXX by XXX???
Nearby Villages, Towns and Cities
- Oxford
- Brooks
- Briggsville
- Endeavor
- Packwaukee
- Montello
- Portage
- Wisconsin Dells
- Lewiston
- Anacker
Nearby Lakes, Rivers, Creeks and Trout Streams
- Amey Pond
- Little Lake
- Wisconsin River
- Buffalo Lake
- Wetting Lake
- Corning Lake
- Widow Green Creek
- Big Slough
- Neenah Lake
- Jordan Lake
- Neenah Creek (Trout Stream)
- Oxford Lake
- O’Keefe Creek (Trout Stream)
Nearby Wisconsin Public Land
- Amey Pond Wildlife Refuge
- Upper Neeah Creek State Fishery Area
- Upper Fox River Public Access
- Fox River National Wildlife Refuge
- Summerton Bog State Natural Area
- French Creek North State Natural Area
- French Creek Wildlife Area
- Pine Island Wildlife Area
- Dells of The Wisconsin River Natural Area
Related Links:
Briggsville - Real Estate for Sale | Homes | Land | Condos | Multi-Family Housing | Commercial Property
Cabins & Homes for Sale in New Haven Township
Acreage & Land for Sale in New Haven Township by Briggsville Wisconsin
Village of Briggsville WI 53920
Brooks Wisconsin
Brooks, WI is located at the intersection of County Road A & G in New Chester Township close to the Upper Neenah Creek State Fishery Area. Brook is a small community of mostly full time homes with a church and a bar / grill with a railroad on the eastside. This area is mostly farms, woods and wetlands.
Brooks WI
New Chester Township
ABOUT: New Chester Township is located in Adams County, Central Wisconsin which has two smaller communities: Brooks and Grand Marsh. Grand Marsh is home of the original Grand Marsh State Bank and hosts the FAMOUS annual Corn N Tater fest. The Union Pacific Railroad runs diagonally through New Chester passing both Grand Marsh and Brooks. 1 square mile (640 acres) of the township is owned by United States of America and has a federal training facility plus Oxford Federal Correctional Institution which has about 1,100 guests and employs about 400 area people. New Chester is a mixture of Recreation and Agriculture plus there are several lakes including Rollers Lake, Fenner Lake, Lake McGinnis (where Neenah Creek Trout Stream headwaters start) and Patrick Lake which has a County Park. You can enjoy the outdoors in 2 State owned Wildlife areas: Lawrence Creek Wildlife Area & Upper Neenah State Fishery Area.
Nearby Cities, Towns and Villages
- Grand Marsh
Area Lakes, Rivers, Creeks and Trout Streams
Patrick Lake
Neenah Creek - Trout Stream
Rollers Lake
Fenner Lake
Lake McGinnis
Public Land & Features for the Area
- Upper Neenah Creek State Fishery Area
- Patrick Lake County Park
- Lawrence Creek Wildlife Area
- U.S.A. Federal Land
- U.S.A. Oxford Federal Correctional Institution
Cabins & Homes for Sale in New Chester Township
Acreage & Land for Sale in New Chester Township by Brooks Wisconsin
Brooks Adams County WI
Brookside Wisconsin
Brookside, WI is located on State Highway 13 just north of Easton in Easton Township. Brookside doesn’t show up on most maps because it only consists of a few homes and one commercial building that was once a repair shop along Risk Creek & Fairbanks Creek.
Brookside WI
Easton Township
ABOUT: Easton Township is Located in Adams County, Central Wisconsin and is home to both Grand Marsh & Grand Marsh State Bank. In the south western part of Easton Township is the Town of White Creek named after White Creek which flows through it. There are 2 small lakes in the township: Easton Lake in the town of Easton and Easton Shores Pond newly opened to the public after the surrounding land was subdivided in to Easton Shores. There are a couple of creeks including Fairbanks Creek, Campbell Creek and Risk Creek, which formed Easton Shores Lake. There are quite a bit of farmland in the area with two named Rock formations; Lighthouse Rock and Rattlesnake Rock.
Nearby Cities, Towns and Villages
- White Creek
- Grand Marsh
- Easton
Area Lakes, Rivers, Creeks and Trout Streams
Easton Lake
Easton Shores Pond
Fairbanks Creek
Risk Creek
Campbell Creek
White Creek
Public Land & Features for the Area
- Quincy Bluffs And Wetland Natural Area
- Remnant Risk Creek
- Remnant Campbell Creek
- Lighthouse Rock
- Rattlesnake Rock
Cabins & Homes for Sale in Easton Township
Acreage & Land for Sale in Easton Township
Brookside Adams County WI
Coloma Wisconsin
Coloma, WI 54930 is located in the Coloma Township of Waushara County on State Highway 21 right by the I-39 / 51 interstate. The town is relatively small with a couple gas stations and small business but features Coloma Park with a playground and regular events including the annual Chicken Chew! Around the town are several recreational lakes including Wood, Pleasant and Mecan Lake which is the head waters for Mecan River, a well-known Trout Stream.
Just a little to the west is an Amish Community that offers a Fresh Bakery, fresh picked Organic Vegetables, Greenhouses, Store and more… Surrounding most of Mecan Lake is a large parcel of public land which is closed part of the year for Waterfowl protection. The area consists of rolling terrain with small hills and valleys, wooded land including oaks and pines with farms and farmland mixed in.
Richford is a little little town use a couple minutes east of Coloma off of State Hwy 21 on Cty B were the famous Ice Age Trail runs through along the Mecan River.
Coloma WI 54930
Nearby Villages, Towns and Cities
- Plainfield
- Hancock
- Wautoma
- Adams
- Friendship
- Westfield
- Grand Marsh
- Richford
- Harrisville
Coloma WI 54930 Quick Facts
- Waushara County, Coloma Township
- General Size of Village – Around 500 people
- Area Lakes – Wood, Pleasant, Mecan, Bing, School Section, Lawrence, Harris Pond, Crystal, Turtle, Imm and Mecan River ( Trout Stream )
- Area Terrain – Mostly gentle Rolling with a mix of Woodlands, Farms and Farm Fields.
- Area Code - 715
- Zip Code - 54930
- Access
- State Highway - 21
- County Road - CH
- Interstate – I39 / 51
- Main Area Features (Farming, Small Businesses, Recreational Lakes, Amish Community…)
- School District – Westfield
- Classified as a Village.
- History – Founded in 1858 by John Drake
Nearby Wisconsin Public Land
Mecan Springs State Natural Area – Waterfowl Protection (Close Parts of the Year)
Greenwood State Wildlife Refuge
Central Wisconsin Grasslands Conservation Wildlife Area
Remnant Carter Creek
Lunch Creek Wetlands State Natural Area
Leaola March State Wildlife Area with Big Roche-A-Cri Trout Stream
Roche-A-Cri State Park featuring Roche-A-Cri Mound
Lawerence Creek State Fish and Wildlife Area
Germania Marsh State Wildlife Area
Colburn Wildlife Area
Related Links
Coloma, Wisconsin - Real Estate for Sale | Homes | Land | Condos | Multi-Family Housing | Commercial Property
Cabins & Homes for Sale in Coloma Township
Acreage & Land for Sale in Coloma Township
Village of Coloma WI 54930
Cottonville Wisconsin
Cottonville, WI is located on Big Roche-A-Cri Lake off of State Highway 13 in Preston Township. This area is a mix of full time lakehouses and vacation getaway homes on and off water. There’s a couple commercial properties on the state highway, a boat storage which had to be rebuilt after being damage from the April 10th 2011 F1 tornado plus and old gas station convenient store that is no longer operation.
Cottonville Fire May 5th 2005 -
April 10th 2011 -
ABOUT: Preston Township is also home to Big Roche-A-Cri Lake which is about 200 acres of ski able water formed by Big Roche-A-Cri Creek trout stream. There's also Carter Creek, Deed Horse Creek, Fordham Creek and Bingham Creek which forms Bingham Pond. Besides Roche-A-Cri State Park there's also Remnant Fordham Creek and Remnant Little Roche-A-Cri Creek which is also open to the public for Trout Fishing and Hunting.
Cottonville WI
Nearby Cities, Towns and Villages
- Big Flats
- Arkdale
- Adams
- Friendship
Area Lakes, Rivers, Creeks and Trout Streams
Big Roche-A-Cri Lake
Big Roche-A-Cri Creek - Trout Stream
Friendship Lake
Little Roche-A-Cri Creek - Trout Stream
Fordham Creek - Trout Stream
Carter Creek - Trout Stream
Bingham Creek
Bingham Pond
Dead Horse Creek
Public Land & Features for the Area
- Roche-A-Cri State Park
- Remnant Little Roche-A-Cri Creek
- Remnant Fordham Creek
Area Links:
- Lake Petenwell Real Estate for Sale
- Castle Rock Lake Real Estate for Sale
- Snowmobile Trail Maps
- ATV Trail Maps
Cabins & Homes for Sale in Preston Township
Acreage & Land for Sale in Preston Township